Europe in the Red: Paris

Oh! the city of light! Took me a long time, but it is done, and in a very appropriate day, Bastille day. I’m very excited about this one. This new section not only includes the usual lore, which if I may add, haves a lot of interesting stories (semiconductors, underground societies, gang against corporations), but also the corporations of Paris, the places to be (and to avoid), and interesting people to meet. I made also a vague classification of the communes of the Grand Paris area to give you an idea of where to place your stories and what you can expect to find in the communes.

Now, I have a few changes to announce. I originally planned to add Marseille but after doing the work for Paris I discovered that the amount of work to add cities is just too much. So, for the sake of time, I decided to skip it. There is a second reason to decide to scrap Marseille, and it is that while writing the content for Paris I fell in love with a few of the stories and I want to transform them into campaigns. I will not say which one I will work in first, but I will certainly publish it here as soon as it is done. This is going to take a while of course, so the Europe in the Red content will be probably unexistent for a couple of months until I have something to deliver.

No more to say for now, just enjoy the new content for Paris, the places and power players and Grand Paris.

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